Ethereum Classic dApp Popularity Doubles In Two Months





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People have started using dApps on Ethereum Classic (ETC) more over the past few months, with the volume of ETC deposited on the rise. Data collected by Dapp Direct, a blockchain statistics website, found the amount of ETC locked within the platform was actually increasing. Ethereum Classic is a platform blockchain used to build decentralized applications or dApps.

Dapp Direct’s operator, Alexander Tsankov, explained to Crypto Briefing that the rising amount of ETC locked in dApps was a promising sign. “The Ethereum Classic community believes that ETC is money in the same way that Bitcoin is,” he said. Anthony Lusardi, director of the ETC development fund Ethereum Classic Cooperative (ECC), said there had been an increase in the number of projects working to build dApps for the ETC platform.

Ethereum currently has just shy of 2,000 dApps, with a wide variety of functions, deployed on its platform; Ethereum Classic has seven with the most popular being gambling applications. Despite a promising launch, the predictions platform Augur (REP), developed on the Ethereum blockchain, has seen a slow decline in everyday users over the past month or so. *Editor’s note: Commentators including Andrew Macdonald of Crypto Briefing have suggested that current statistical analysis of dApp activity is imperfect; he argues that the Daily Average Users stats for Augur, as an example, exclude all users who have not interacted with the platform because there is no need, once their prediction or market is live.
