#What are the effect on Bitcoin & Stock Trading by Coronavirus - Classified Ad

#What are the effect on Bitcoin & Stock Trading by Coronavirus - Classified Ad: Visit - https://t.me/cryptosignalalert  For more latest news update on Cryptocurrency & Free Bitcoin Binance crypto trading bot Crypto signals on Telegram visit above given Telegram channel According to the experts, the volumes of on-chain and exchange transactions with BTC are declining. Analysts are not unanimous as for the reasons why BTC is falling and have several explanations: Coronavirus Some analysts attribute the situation to the coronavirus epidemic: the crypto market was also affected by the general decline in economic activity due to the spread of the disease. Futures contracts expirationOthers think the pressure on the market is connected to the upcoming expiration of three-month futures contracts on CME, which opened at $ 7400. The expiration will be held on Friday, February 28. TechnicalsThere is one more reason which is rather technical: after the spike, assets usually tend to correction. Current support levels are at $ 9100 and $ 8300. Yesterday we saw a "double bottom" pattern, which may be a sign a reversal of a long downtrend, after which the initiative will go to the bulls.Answering your second question, I would rather refer to the trading b
