##Zuckerberg Says Libra Can Boost Facebook's Ad Revenue, China Sees It as a Much Bigger Deal | Free Bitcoin Binance Signals App & Bitcoin Auto Trading BOT

##Zuckerberg Says Libra Can Boost Facebook's Ad Revenue, China Sees It as a Much Bigger Deal | Free Bitcoin Binance Signals App & Bitcoin Auto Trading BOT: Free Crypto Signals Mobile APP -


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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has, during a shareholder meeting, explained how the Libra cryptocurrency project will help the social media giant make money. China, on the other hand, published a book addressing the challenges Libra poses, arguing it could become the future of world currency.

In a transcript posted by Thomson Reuters, we can read Zuckerberg replied to a question asked by a shareholder on how Facebook will be making money off of the Libra cryptocurrency project. Zuckerberg responded by going into Libra’s potential impact on e-commerce on Facebook, and its potential impact on advertising revenue.

According to the social media giant’s CEO, Facebook does not charge a set price for ads and instead works with a bidding system, where every business trying to advertise will bid to compete for ad space. The system, Zuckerberg said, allows them to get the “lowest possible price.
